Solares series

Pigment ink print on cotton paper from solar prints (Cyanotype process with coloured inks)
Impresiones solares digitalizadas e impresas sobre papel de algodón con tintas de pigmento
100x120 cm
Edición de 3 / Edition of 3
Produced at the Casa Wabi artist in residency in Oaxaca (México) during the summer equinox

Exhibition history:
Cecilia Brunson Project, London. November 2021
Galeria La Cometa, Madrid. September to November 2022

Making the Solar prints at Casa Wabi

Pigment ink print on cotton paper from solar prints (Cyanotype process with coloured inks)
Impresiones solares digitalizadas e impresas sobre papel de algodón con tintas de pigmento
75x50 cm
Edición de 3 / Edition of 3
Produced in Tenerife during the winter equinox.

Exhibition history:
Sapling Gallery, London. May to June 2022
Galeria La cometa en dialogo con Olga de Amaral. Madrid. septiembre - Noviembre 2022

Articulo en FT Magazine. Marzo, 2023