19 LPizzani-Armaduras:Fotografia 09.jpg
 Chelsea College of Arts (London)
 Piñata-Capullo (2010) Comissioned by Dafna Talmor for Spaceship Earth project at Beaconsfield (London)
pinata capullo.jpg
pinata capullo.jpg
 Piñata Teta-Culo (2009) Ceramic Piñata performance at the Vessel Exhibition, Galería Fernando Zubillaga (Caracas)
Pizzani-Piñata Accion .jpg

Various piñata-performances and their documentation photographs
Photo: invitation to the first Piñata done at the Chelsea Colloge of Art MA Fine Arts 
Project Space (2009) 

19 LPizzani-Armaduras:Fotografia 09.jpg
 Chelsea College of Arts (London)

Chelsea College of Arts (London)

 Piñata-Capullo (2010) Comissioned by Dafna Talmor for Spaceship Earth project at Beaconsfield (London)

Piñata-Capullo (2010)
Comissioned by Dafna Talmor for Spaceship Earth project at Beaconsfield (London)

pinata capullo.jpg
pinata capullo.jpg
 Piñata Teta-Culo (2009) Ceramic Piñata performance at the Vessel Exhibition, Galería Fernando Zubillaga (Caracas)

Piñata Teta-Culo (2009)
Ceramic Piñata performance at the Vessel Exhibition,
Galería Fernando Zubillaga (Caracas)

Pizzani-Piñata Accion .jpg