Artist in Residency at Fundación Marso, Ciudad de México by Lucia Pizzani

From Februrary 10 to March the 11th I’ll be in residency at Fundación Marso. The experience has been enriching and exhilarating. To finalise the stay in México I’ll be presenting “Coraza” a solo exhibition at Marso that will open on March 7th and will be on view until April 15th. Some the activities so far have a been a research trip to Oaxaca and a In Conversation with Curator Carlos Palacios. Find images below and more information on this LINK


Showing at Artissima 2018 and booth awarded by Lucia Pizzani

The Límbica series were exhibited at the 25th anniversary of Artissima in Torino, with Cecilia Brunson Projects in a joined booth with Alejandro Corujeira. This project was selected as one of the winners of the New Entries Fair Fund Award.

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The ceramic sculptures were accompanied by the Extremidades photographs that play along with human skin and the textures of the pieces. Publicactions of the artist were also available to the public.

Pizzani was included in the Walkie Talkies held by collector Frances Reynolds and curator Milovan Farronato. This series of talks toured around the fair to explore and discuss selected artworks and Pizzani together with Cecilia Brunson were invited to talk about the works and the booth proposal.

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Limbica Series (2018)

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Extremidades (2018)
C-Prints on aluminium and acrilyc

Nuevo País de la Artes / Publicación by Lucia Pizzani


Un proyecto editorial de Banesco. Editado por Antonio Lopez Ortega
Entrevistada por Edmundo Bracho con fotografías de Ivan Gonzalez.
Leer el libro completo aquí
Leer entrevista a Lucia Pizzani aquí

Artistas incluidos: Lucía Pizzani, Starsky Brines, Nayarí Castillo, Suwon Lee, Esmelyn Miranda, Leonardo Nieves, José Vivenes, Daniel Medina, Christian Vinck, Juan Pablo Garza, Érika Ordosgoitti, Paul Parrella, María Virginia Pineda, Ana Alenso, Sol Calero, Miguel Braceli, Iván Candeo, Conrado Pittari, Armando Ruiz, Florencia Alvarado, Oscar Abraham Pabón, Camilo Barboza, Armando Rosales, Raily Yance y Luis Mata.

Nuevo País de las Artes es la tercera entrega de la colección Los Rostros Del Futuro, iniciada por el Fondo Editorial Banesco en 2015. Después del primer volumen dedicado a los nuevos talentos musicales y del segundo dedicado a los nuevos escritores, esta tercera entrega corresponde a los nuevos artistas visuales de Venezuela. Los tres volúmenes cuentan con la edición y compilación del escritor Antonio López Ortega. Para la selección de los 25 artistas que se incluyen en Nuevo País de las Artes se conformó un Comité de 20 especialistas entre críticos, curadores, investigadores, museógrafos, museólogos, galeristas y promotores. Cada uno de ellos elaboró su listado particular y, una vez cruzados todos los postulados, se escogieron los artistas que contaran con más menciones o votos. La categoría de jóvenes artistas o artistas emergentes se definió a partir de sus años de nacimiento, entre 1975 y 1990.

De cada uno de los artistas se publica una entrevista en profundidad sobre aspectos de vida y obra, acompañada por una sesión de retratos realizados por fotógrafos reconocidos. Cincuenta profesionales, periodistas y fotógrafos expertos en procesos culturales, son quienes trabajan con estos artistas, y este proceso enriquece el resultado final y consolida un diálogo colectivo donde sobresalen visiones de mundo, perspectivas de dimensión humana, poéticas individuales e importantes lecturas sobre el país. En un proyecto como este la imagen es dominante, y gracias a la curaduría de Pietro Daprano y Carmen Julieta Centeno, el libro contiene, como apéndice, una selección de obras de cada uno de los artistas que remite a variedad, complejidad y belleza.

Exhibiting at Ch.ACO in Santiago de Chile with Cecilia Brunson Projects by Lucia Pizzani

This month I'll be showing the Sagrario Series with Cecilia Brunson Projects CBP at the Ch.ACO art fair in Santiago de Chile. The event takes place from September the 25 to the 27th at the Centro Cultural Estación Mapocho and it brings together 30 galleries and 10 alternative spaces from around the globe. 

At CBP the exhibiting artists will be: Lucia Pizzani, Sebastián Gordín, Cristián Silva, Rodrigo Galecio, Nicolás Sánchez and Robert Indiana. The public programme of Ch.ACO curated by Irene Abujatum includes speakers such as: Pablo Helguera, Damian Ortega, Pablo Leon de la Barra, Graciela Sacco and Paco Barragán among others.

The Sagrario Series, (2015) collodion wet plate photography on aluminium will be on view at Ch.ACO 2015, Chile 

The Sagrario Series, (2015) collodion wet plate photography on aluminium will be on view at Ch.ACO 2015, Chile 

Guest Artist at the Salon Jóvenes con FIA, Feria Iberoamericana de Caracas by Lucia Pizzani

Curated by Gerardo Zavarce with the collaboration of Lorena Gonzalez, this National Young Salon is held at the Centro de Arte Los Galpones from August 8th to September 8th, 2015.
Titled “Metáforas de la emergencia o las balsas de la Medusa” the invited artists for this edition are: Juan Toro Diez, Lucía Pizzani, Muu Blanco (AKA), Nayarí Castillo, Pietro Daprano and Teresa Mulet.

The participating artists are:  Álvaro Paz, Ana Alenso, Ana Cristina Vargas, Ana Navas, Beto Gutiérrez, Carlos Salazar Lermont, Conrado Pittari, Eduardo Vargas Rico, Erick Achang, Erika Ordosgoitti, Faride Mereb, Florencia Alvarado, Gala Garrido, HASE (AKA), Aire van Carmen, José Perozo Jotashock (AKA), Kelly Martínez, Lorena Orlando, Marcos Temoche, María Virginia Pineda, Marianna Rivas Maal, Max Provenzano, Miguel Braceli, Paul Parella, Rebeca Pérez Gerónimo, Sofía Simón, Valentina Alvarado, Violette Buléy and Yolanda Duarte.

This exhibition was supported by Banesco, Arts Conection, Centro de Arte Los galpones and Fundación Cisneros. 

Uidentified Women A & B, (2015) on show at the Salon Jóvenes con FIA, Caracas
Photo courtesy of Cecilia Brunson Project CBP

Bienal Internacional de Performance de Caracas by Lucia Pizzani

Showing "Nocturna" (2013) video piece at the Centro de Arte del Hatillo in Caracas, Venezuela as part of the first edition of the Bienal Internacional de Performance de Caracas BIPCA. Organised by Carlos Salazar Lermont & Erika Ordosgoitti it includes local artists plus special guests from Alemania, Polonia, and Argentina.

Some the artists are participating: 
Sandra Vivas, Rolando Peña, Carlos Zerpa, Nela Ochoa, Max Provenzano, Eliseo Solís Mora, Nelvis Acosta, Macjob Paravabis, Deborah Castillo, Eduardo Vargas Rico, Margie Valdez, Gala Garrido, Anna Rosa Rodríguez, Luis Arroyo, Viviana Labarca, Raúl Rodríguez, and Mery Esther Caballero, among others.
More info

Talk at Miniclick, Brighton by Lucia Pizzani

On Monday the 27th of March I'll be giving a talk about my photographic work invited by Miniclick, next to Dafna Talmor and Esme Horne.

"Throughout photographic publications, degree shows and exhibitions we are seeing a growing leaning towards the abstract within contemporary photography. Hand in hand with this movement is a growing interest in vintage and analogue techniques, as if practitioners are looking backwards in order to explore new ground with the medium. Dafna Talmor, Lucia Pizzani and Esme Horne all in their own way explore the innovative and experimental techniques that are beginning to shape this field." said the post at the Miniclick website.

Monday 27th April. Doors at 6pm, kicks off at 7pm. Free Entry at The Old Market, Brighton. Free Entry.

Impronta Series (2013) Collodion wet plate photography o aluminium 

Impronta Series (2013) Collodion wet plate photography o aluminium 

PanorÁmica: Venezuelan contemporary art book by Lucia Pizzani

Edited by curator Feliz Suazo in 2014, this publication intends to be a summary of artists and their work on the contemporary art scene in Venezuela from 2000 to 2012. The selection includes 60 artists and has 360 pages with 200 images of works. The book can be downloaded here